Enhance your coding with precise suggestions for faster completion. Detect and fix bugs efficiently. Get accurate, clear answers. Use 'help' or '?' for more info. Hello Help deps last uploaded file flow last uploaded file Design a Swift application for iOS that uses the device's GPS to display the user's current location on a map. MQTT, is it possible to block publications for everyone besides localhost, and leave the subscriptions open to everybody? Can you give me some tutorial examples on how to use paralell.For/ForEach in c#? Write a Python script that reads a CSV file, performs basic data cleaning, and prints the top 5 rows of the dataset. How can I make an if statement in bash if a file is found in the file system? Can you create a hello-world 68000 assembler source code for asm-pro? I will build a simple Grpc project where the Server will be written in C# .Net Core and the client will be written in modern C++ under Linux. Create a guideline how the projects should be built and help me generate all important code and proto files. The message to be sent from the Client to the Server can only be a simple "Hello!" Create a JavaScript function that dynamically changes the background color of a webpage when a button is clicked. #programming
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