楽々プロンプト - 僕はひたすら楽をしたい - 画像生成用改良版

楽々プロンプト - 僕はひたすら楽をしたい - 画像生成用改良版

5パターン×400字ほどのプロンプトが1回でガガッと生成されます。 そのまま画像生成AIにつっこんで生成します。 お題にそって作らないといけない時 でもなんかめんどくさい時 でも画像生成して投稿したい時 このツールがあればなんかいい感じの画像プロンプトがさっくり完成します。 一回で完結するのがGOOD。 ・字数や作成サービスを選択できるようにしました。 ・作成数を4→5に増やしました。 適当に「,Intricate details,Wide range of colors,artwork,rendering,(masterpiece:1.3),(highest quality:1.4),(Super detailed:1.5),High resolution,Very detailed,unity 8k wallpaper」とか末尾に追加して生成するのも◎ #Flux #midjourney #DALLE3 #GPT4o #プロンプト作成 #簡単 #一撃  

推奨モデル - GPT-4o


  • プロンプト実行例
楽々プロンプト - 僕はひたすら楽をしたい - 画像生成用改良版






楽々プロンプト - 僕はひたすら楽をしたい - 画像生成用改良版

Certainly! Here are five imaginative and dream-like prompts centered around the theme of "Desert":

1. Enchanted Desert Oasis

Imagine a hidden oasis in the heart of a vast, mystical desert, untouched by time. The oasis is surrounded by towering sand dunes with colors that shift from golden to pink as the sun moves across the sky. Palm trees with emerald leaves dance gently in the warm breeze, their reflections shimmering in a crystal-clear spring that glows with an ethereal light. The air is filled with the sweet aroma of exotic flowers and the melodious songs of unseen birds, their plumage dazzling in hues of blues and purples. Magical creatures, like iridescent fennec foxes and golden beetles, wander freely, living in harmony with the landscape. Overhead, a deep, sapphire sky is speckled with constellations that twinkle even under the bright light of day. The scene is both tranquil and enchanting, as if nature itself is gently breathing, alive with enchantment and mystery.

2. Celestial Desert Sands

Envision a desert illuminated by the glow of the moon and billions of stars, stretching endlessly in every direction. The sands twinkle as if sprinkled with diamonds, captivating all who gaze upon them. The gentle breeze carries whispers of ancient secrets, tales untold except to those who listen. A caravan of spectral camels wanders quietly along dune crests, their footprints momentarily imprinting the sands before the winds erase them. The horizon shimmers with mirages of isolated stone monoliths etched with cosmic symbols, gilded by a celestial light. Far in the distance, a vast pyramid stands, wreathed in silver mist, its apex pointing directly at the North Star. Here, the night embraces the desert, a canvas painted with the luminescent patterns of forgotten civilizations that echo a mesmerizing, timeless magic.

3. Whimsical Desert Market

Picture a vibrant, fantasy bazaar nestled within a desert valley, animated by surreal characters from distant lands. Tents of colorful silk, embroidered with golden threads, flutter under the enchanted, violet-hued sky. Merchants sell otherworldly wares: flying carpets spun from starlight, crystals that hold captured moonbeams, and intricate music boxes that play the songs of the desert breeze. There is laughter and music, the air resonating with a lively cacophony as fantastical creatures barter and storytellers weave tales of wonder. The scent of spiced teas and sweets floats through the air, mingling with the mesmerizing aromas of incense and oils. Lanterns suspended on invisible strings illuminate the bustling pathways, casting patterns of whimsical shadows that dance to the rhythm of the marketplace's heart. It is a world alive with the brilliance of dreams and endless possibilities.

4. Mirage of the Sleeping Sphinx

Visualize a mystical desert wherein lies a colossal, sleeping sphinx carved from a single piece of celestial stone. Its form is veiled partially by delicate blankets of fog, creating the illusion that it might awaken at any moment. The sphinx's resting place is a plateau surrounded by concentric rings of colorful stones, each resonating with a unique frequency, harmonizing with the desert winds to create an ambient music of the cosmos. A procession of stars swirls above, tracing patterns in the night sky that reflect the designs of ancient dreamcatchers. As the first light of dawn touches the sphinx's leonine face, it seems to smile, its eyes hinting at worlds beyond imagination. This is a sacred site of reverie, where travelers find solace and inspiration in its powerful, albeit slumbering, presence.

5. Dreamweaver's Desert

Picture an otherworldly desert where the sands are imbued with the dreams of wanderers who once traversed its vastness. Each gust of wind stirs up ephemeral visions—a cascade of colors capturing the imaginations of those who dare walk its pathways. Translucent dunes transition seamlessly into rolling waves, reminiscent of an ocean frozen in time. Within these dreams, ancient sailing ships appear, drifting silently across the sands beneath a kaleidoscope sky, where the aurora borealis weaves a tapestry of lights. The desert pulses with the rhythm of an eternal dream, where time seems to stretch and bend. This ever-shifting landscape is a playground for the mind’s eye, where boundaries blur between imagination and reality, inviting dreamers to weave their own stories into the tapestry of the desert.

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