永遠の妖精 オードリー・ヘプバーン!! 的な。。
「ローマの休日」や「ティファニーで朝食を」などの作品で有名 可愛い💖 実際のプロンプトをこれをもとに英語表記で作られます。例えば、こんな感じ。 A woman in a 1950s Hollywood glamour inspired off-shoulder dress, with a satin-like creamy white fabric, is the epitome of classic charm. She stands serene and elegant, with a confident, subdued smile and a gaze that captivates. Her features are refined and charming, her skin porcelain white, and her eyes deep and inviting. Her lips are thinner, painted a natural pinkish-red. Her chestnut hair is styled in a sophisticated updo, shining with a healthy gloss, and her ears are adorned with diamond earrings that catch the light with understated elegance. The backdrop is a vintage movie set, evoking the timeless elegance of Hollywood's golden era, with a nostalgic yet vivid color palette that highlights her porcelain skin. Soft spotlights throw warm light on her, accentuating her pure beauty and the texture of her dress, casting soft shadows that outline her refined features in a nostalgic yet colorful representation.
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